I've never really identified with the term low-key.
Technically, low-key means keeping something chill, or more restrained, but most of the time that doesn't really work for me. I'm more obsessively high-key. When I like something, it's not just "cool" or "great," it's "THE BEST THING EVER," or "OMG AMAZING." I tend to be really into the things I love, whether it's a place (hey Nashville!), a person or pet (don't get me started talking about my kitten Holland), or a book (I had a regrettable Lord of the Rings phase early in my high school career). Conversely, the things I don't like tend to be "THE WORST THING EVER," (for example, the word nestle).
Perhaps unsurprisingly, this also applies to most of my wine drinking experiences.
I tend to be incredibly vocal about the wines I like (TXAKOLI) and very dismissive of the ones I don't (SORRY NOT SORRY MOSCATO). Tragically, for a long time, the list of worst wines ever included the entire varietal of Cabernet Sauvignon.
it's so arty!
It's not that I felt like Cab was worthless, per se, it's just that I never found one that I really loved. I also think that after moving to Nashville, it can be hard to find other reds on wine lists that aren't Cabernet Sauvignon. So I became bitter.
Luckily, I am slowly becoming un-bitter. While Cab and I may not be BFFs yet, we're reaching an understanding, starting with this Macedon Cabernet Sauvignon.
I like those artfully placed paint streaky things on the bottle. is it a flower? a handprint? who can know?
But first, a bit of background: Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most well-known red wines, and is mainly associated with the Bordeaux region of France. It is one of the five grapes that make up a Bordeaux blend (the others include Cabernet Franc, Malbec, Petit Verdot, and Merlot). It's also one of the wines with the best aging potential (which is why a lot of the Cabernets tend to be preeeeetty pricey), meaning it can stay in the bottle for years without going bad.
Cabernet Sauvignon typically has a pretty distinctive flavor and aroma. Because it's normally aged for quite a while in oak and has a high amount of tannins, it has a vanilla/oaky flavor with a lot of blackcurrant tones (some have also been described as having bell pepper or olive flavors so apparently that's a thing).
oooooooh. nice.
So now that we're caught up on the world of Cabs, we come to the Macedon Cab.
Interestingly, this wine comes from Macedonia (a country north of Greece). This may seem unusual, since the red wines most people are familiar with are from areas like France, Spain, and the U.S. However, this area has an incredibly rich history of winemaking, and actually is one of the first countries to produce wine. Because the climate is so dry, this regions produces wines that are a little more fruit-forward (a fancy way of saying "less dry"). The vineyard itself is fairly small, but the winemakers are working to bring back Macedonia's winemaking tradition.
just look at that color! So vibrant!
Here's where it gets good. I bought the Macedon on a recommendation from a friend (whose recommendations I actually trust), and also because it was on sale for like $8 at Whole Foods.
this wine is corking! (which apparently means very good... I looked it up just so I could make that joke).
Honestly, I was delighted.
This Cab is lovely. Color-wise, it's a gorgeous blacky-red, exactly what you'd picture when you think "red wine." Full-bodied with lots of flavors, it has a perfect smoky blackberry scent with a hint of what almost smells like cocoa. It's also got a pretty great balance between fruity and savory flavors, and has this kind of blackcurrant/vanilla finish (which sounds weird but I promise is actually good). Unlike some cabs that have too much of an oaky flavor (and can only be balanced out by a steak), this one is drinkable on its own. It makes a great wine for late winter, since it has some of the bolder flavor you want in a red wine without being too heavy.
a more mysterious look.
While I may not be telling people that Cabernet Sauvignon is the BEST WINE EVER quite yet, this one's definitely revising my opinion.
hello my new friend!
OUR RATING: Definitely more-than-decent Cabernet Sauvignon perfect for those on a budget. Ideal for chilly days.
While eating a fancy burger probably, maybe one with arugula or other fancy toppings.
While at a happy hour where it's juuuuuust too cold to sit outside but you do anyway.
While having your friends over for a potluck dinner that ends up being guacamole, pasta, and the rest of the random items in your fridge.
While playing a surprisingly competitive game of Yahtzee.